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March 2020 - #metoo Myanmar, World of Women Film Fair Middle East (Dubai, U.A.E.)

June 2018 - Monk Politics, The Buddha International Film Festival (Pune, India)

December 2017 - May I Help You, International Queer & Migrant Filmfestival (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

July 2017 - The Ma Latt To Tragedy, Stockholm Independent Film Festival (Sweden)


Twenty-six English subtitled (or English narrated) documentaries (2010-2020)

produced as part of the Myanmar Investigative Journalism Project, sponsored by

the Dutch Human Rights Fund and the German Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Burmese versions of the documentaries have been broadcast in Myanmar

and watched by millions on Facebook and Youtube. The series producer is Kay Lie.

Failing Rule of Law (44'50)

When Aung San Suu Kyi, and her NLD party, came into power in 2016, she promised proper rule of law for everybody. In this documentary we investigate six recent cases in which rule of law completely failed. 

Directed by Nyan Gyi

© 2020 MJI/Mizzima

How the Peace Process came to a halt (35'15)

When the NLD party came into power, everybody hoped to see an end to civil war. But the peace process came grinding to a halt, and people are still suffering and dying because of it.

Directed by Yamin Oo

© 2020 MJI/Mizzima

The Covid-19 Elections (30'00)

Investigative Documentary about the problems facing the November 8, 2020 elections. Outside observers fear the second general elections since the democratisation started, will neither be fair, nor free.

Directed by Yamin Oo

© 2020 MIJP/Mizzima

Leftovers from the Civil War (36'50)

Investigative Documentary about the way the various armies in Myanmar treat their war victims. And at the same time addressing they inequality that exist in the Myanmar Army.

Directed by Nyan Gyi

© 2020 MJI/Mizzima

Dealing with the Dragon (44'20)

Road-movie following the new Chino-Myanmar Economic Corridor. Pipelines, new roads and high speed railways will connect China with the Indian Subcontinent. But at what price? Who are the winners, who are the losers from this mega-project.

Directed by Nyan Gyi

© 2020 MJI/Mizzima

The Dark Side of Coal (42'00)

Investigation into the surge of the use of coal in Myanmar. The use of small and medium scale coal power is increasing and there're no proper rules and regulations to control this growth.

Directed by Nyan Gyi

© 2019 MJI/Mizzima

#metoo Myanmar (30'00)

Investigation into sexual violence against women in Myanmar. The Metoo Movement ended big careers in the movie world. But in Myanmar women remain quiet. Is there no sexual violence against women?

Directed by Yamin Oo

© 2019 MJI/Mizzima

Happily drinking poison (26'30)

Investigation into the devastation caused by (cheap) alcohol. Over the last fifteen years the consumption of alcohol in Myanmar has doubled. So have the number of casualties. 

Directed by Htun Kyaw


© 2019 MJI/Mizzima

The Story of Coal in Thailand (26'30)

Documentary about the role coal in the production of electricity in Thailand. Supporters and adversaries discuss the past, present and future of this controversial source of energy. (English narration)

Directed by Kay Lie & Nyan Gyi


© 2019 MJI/Heinrich Böll Foundation

Blood-stained days in Tharyawaddy Prison (26'00)

Reconstruction of one of the first cases of large scale torture. The story is told by victims, their families and former prison-staff.


Directed by Nyan Gyi

© 2018 DVB

Forced Labor (25'00)

Reconstruction of forced abor in Kayah State during the war between the army and Karenni rebels, told by victims, army officers and rebel leaders.


Directed by Yamin Oo

© 2018 DVB

Crocodile Tears (28'00)

Investigative documentary about a land-dispute in Yangon between to rich and influential people in Myanmar, involving corruption and power politics.

Directed by Yamin Oo & Kay Lie

© 2017 DVB

Monk Politics (54'00)

Documentary about the struggle of Buddhist leaders in Myanmar to come to terms with their past. And how to adapt to the new realities of a fast changing society. (English narration)

Directed by Kay Lie

© 2017 Electrical Films

May I help you (26'00)

In this documentary DVB investigates cases of serious harassment and rape of gays and transgenders by police officers.


Directed by Yamin Oo & Kay Lie

© 2017 DVB

Life's Cradle (25'00)

Investigative documentary about the deplorable situation of Myanmar's seas, coastal areas and beaches. Research shows a dramatic increase of fishing and a decrease of mangrove forests.


Directed by Yamin  Oo & Kay Lie

© 2017 DVB

Mega Dams in the Thanlwin (28'00)

About the effects a series of mega dams planned in the Than Lwin or Salween River. Both nature and people along the river will suffer serious consequences.

Directed by Tom Fawthrop

© 2016 Eureka Films/DVB

The Ma Latt To Tragedy (55'00)

Documentary about land grabbing in Myanmar (Burma). It took a team of DVB journalists three years to follow and reconstruct this story about the villagers of Ma Latt To. (English narration)


Directed by Nyan Gyi & Ba Gyi

© 2016 DVB

About Child Labor (26'00)

Investigative documentary about the lives of the millions of Burmese children forced to work in dangerous, dirty and demeaning jobs to support their families. Secret video footage suggests that it is not just tea shops and farms that employ children.

Directed by Banyar & Ye Htoo

© 2016 DVB

The Disappearance of Roi Ja (30'00)

A reconstruction of the abduction, rape and killing of a Kachin woman that took place in 2011 in the north of Myanmar. Journalist Kevin McLeod spend over two years interviewing witnesses, including one of the soldiers who captured Roi Jai  2011. (English narration)


Directed by Kevin McLeod & Kay Lie

© 2015 McLeod/DVB

A Demons of the New Freedom (59'00)

Buddhist violence against the Muslim minority in Myanmar. A monk and a young campaigner try to stop the xenophobia. (English narration)

Directed and produced by Kay Lie 


© 2014 Electrical Films/BOS

The Naked Truth of Myanmar (30'00)

Portrait of U Win Tin (1929-2014): The legendary human rights activist, political prisoner and co-founder of the National League of Democracy.  (English narration)
Directed and produced by Kay Mastenbroek
DoP: Oleg Revenko
© 2014 Electrical Films/BOS/DVB

© 2021 MIJP & Electrical Films

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